Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas is one week away...

I'm so excited Christmas is only one week away!! I am going to have two excited little ones on Christmas morning! I was able to score two rare monster high dolls and well I also managed to get my son his favorite jake and the Neverland pirate toys. I'm so excited!! So we baked and decorated Christmas cookies today I always enjoy doing fun activities like this with my little ones! Being a mom is the most rewarding and one of the best jobs I have ever had! Tomorrow my little girl has another appointment with an ENT specialist who specializes in airway issues...I pray he is the answer to diagnosing my daughter and getting her healthy so she can talk above a whisper and play sports again! Please send positive thought, vibes and prayers! Prayer is so powerful and I believe we will have an answer one day to what is wrong with my daughter! I hope everyone has a great evening!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Still waiting...

So I took my daughter back to the pediatrician today because she was so uncomfortable with her newly developed cough. I went in there asking for them to finally run other tests on her because something is not right and I do not want to wait any longer, basically the head of the pediatric department flat out told me the navel hospital is unable to properly test and evaluate her for other possible causes if her voice loss and pain. I can't believe it what kind of hospital doesn't have the means to test further to see if its her lungs or any other illness?!?! He told me our best bet to get an answer for her issues is the children's hospital which we have any appointment already set up with them. I am irritated that when I brought this issue up to her current ENT today he said he just wants to evaluate her cough, now I'm no doctor but when you have no idea what is wrong with your patient and they develop new symptoms maybe its time to seek other advice. I am so thankful for her pediatrician who referred us to the children's hospital. Now we're just waiting and praying they can find the answer as to what is wrong with our little girl!


So I know it's been a while and I've honestly thought about keeping up y blog regularly but I obviously have not! But now I have so much to vent about and to just throw my random thoughts out into the world. We recently moved into a house which I dislike...which might be kind of an understatement..lol! It's handicap accessible so it's convenient for the hubby.
Now a days things are going ok for my husband, although now we have a new obstacle in our path. Our daughter who is 9 woke up one morning with a sore throat and couldn't talk. Naturally we assumed she had laryngitis and it would clear up in a few days, well fast forward two months later and she still can not talk and is in pain. We've seen ENT twice, pediatricians and she is currently going to speech therapy but so far nothing has helped her and no one can give us a definite answer as to what is wrong with her. Nothing shows up on her throat exams there are no nodules on her vocal cords or growths. Our insurance finally approved a second opinion at the children's hospital but they can not see her for two weeks. I am so hopeful that the doctors at the children's hospital will be able to help her. I'm at a loss I have no idea what to do, but I know more than anything I want my baby girl to get better and I will do anything I have to, to ensure she gets the best care possible. I pray that she will just wake up with her voice just like when she lost it but so far nothing. Before I wrap this up I only have one thing to ask of you, please keep my little girl in your prayers that she will get better and the doctors are able to figure out what is wrong with her. Thank you!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesdays the day we find out....

Well Tuesday is the day we find out when my hubby's surgery is, while he is not getting an amputation right away because the Orthopedic doctor decided to send my husband to a limb salvage clinic and they are convinced that they can help his pain by fusing his ankle together.  The downfall is my husband does not have a choice he has to try the fusion, it is frustrating but maybe it will work for his injury and alleviate his pain, while we do not have high expectations because we have met a few people with fusions and they later had to have amputations.  Downfall of the fusion he will not have full movement of his ankle it will be fused together and movement will be even more limited than it already is.  I just really would like for my husband to be able to live a more normal life.
     My little sister is in town she has been here a week, its nice to have family over to visit and be able to do some "touristy" things. We have done some much this past week since she has been here, we've gone to the beach, Hollywood where we even see Jay Leno at City Walk! It was pretty exciting because I have lived here for almost 8 years and I have never seen a celebrity! Lol!
My sister is going to be here until my husband has his surgery which is nice since last time we didn't have many people who could watch the children, I also plan to take sometime off from school to be able to direct my attention towards my children and taking care of my husband.  We are still waiting on a one story house, which is a bummer but I plan to go talk to the housing coordinator and see what we can do to possibly get into a one story since in the next week or two my husband will be non-mobile for 12 weeks....such a hectic time coming up in this household, hopefully moving, and surgery! While it will be difficult I would not ever change it for anything!
   I know many of you are celebrating Memorial Day and I just want to remind you all to remember the true meaning of this holiday, because I have seen some posts today on Facebook that I couldn't believe what people were saying about our troops. While I know not everyone supports our Military it is disrespectful to say rude things about why they died, etc.  Remember it is to honor all of the troops who have made the ultimate sacrifice, also remember the families that they left behind!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Conquering this battle.....

Well this is my first time ever having a blog! To be honest I figured now is an opportune time to begin writing one.  Let me fill you in on what has happened over the past year and a half. I am a Marine wife and my husband was injured in 2010 while in Sangin, Afghanistan.  He stepped on an IED but he was fortunate enough that not all of the explosive went off so luckily he survived. It shattered the bones in his lower leg, ankle and broke his tibia, and fibula. He underwent a surgery to place an external fixator to keep his bones in place until the swelling went down. When he returned to the states he underwent another 8 hour surgery to continue to save his leg, it became mostly metal and there were some areas the Doctor could not repair. Until the past few months we thought we were in the clear and everything was fine because he was running (somewhat with a brace) and in pain but not a great deal. Then things began to go down hill he is now in a tremendous amount of pain and we found out his only viable option is amputation.  While it is below the knee it is still a scary thing to know is right around the corner. Our family is supportive but there are some that try to change his mind on the amputation....but what they are not fully grasping is there is nothing further that can be done....and we are ok with that, amputation will give him more of a normal life and instead of them completely standing behind us and what the Doctor recommends they try everything to "change" his mind.....I know their intention is good, but its frustrating especially for my husband when he needs support right now!
    So over the next few months there will be many changes in our household.....amputation, moving, physical therapy and whatever life throws at us along the way! It may be difficult at times but I have faith that we will WIN this battle!