Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's been awhile since I've posted!

It has been so long since I've updated blog! We have been very blessed these past few months! My daughters voice came back in the end of February. Her new ENT doctor specialized in vocal issues and airway issues. He recommended her to a speech therapist who has treated many other people who have had voice loss. They believe her voice loss was due to the mold we found around the time she lost her voice. The speech therapist said she feels it was my daughters body's way to protect itself from the threat of mold kind of like her body was in survival mode. The speech therapist worked with her to try and loosen her vocal cords and eventually did a vocal cord massage called Larynx manipulation and within an hour her voice came back!! Six months is way too long to not hear your child's voice! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!!

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